Prime Number Algorithm


  1. Input   Any integer number (up to 32767)  
  2. Output  Is it a prime number or Not  
  3. Complexity O(n)  
  4. Prime(num)  
  5. 1 Set i=2  
  6. while i<=num/2  
  7. 3      if  num mod i = 0  
  8. 4          print "Not a Prime number" and exit;  
  9. 5     i=i+1  
  10. if (i==(num/2)+1)  
  11. 7   Print "Prime number"  

Algorithm Description

  • Step 2 runs only up to num/2 because we know that a number can only be perfectly divisible by maximum to half of itself.
  • Step 3 means if a number is divisible perfectly i.e it is not a prime number
  • If i becomes more than half of a number i.e. no one else less than half of number divides the actual number so it’s a prime number
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