Zope in the market

During more than a decade Zope Corp. and the Zope Community have grown an outstanding set of products and technologies, influencing the general development of Python based Web application servers and tools.
ZCAThe Zope Component Architecture provides facilities for defining, registering and looking up components. It's perfect for building enterprise applications based on loosely coupled components.
More information at Component Architecture Overview, zope.component documentation and zope.interface documentation
ZTKThe Zope Toolkit (ZTK) is a set of libraries intended for reuse by projects to develop web applications or web frameworks. The ZCA is part of it.
More information at the Zopetoolkit documentation
ZPTZope Page Templates is Zope's templating mechanism.
More information at the docs.zope.org/zope2/zope2book/AppendixC.html. An alternative implementation provides Chameleon.
The Content Management Framework (CMF) for Zope provides a powerful, tailorable platform for building content management applications together with the Zope Application Server.
More information at the CMF Product Page
RepozeRepoze integrates Zope technologies with WSGI and reusable Python middleware.
More information at repoze.org
The Zope Object DataBase (ZODB) is a native object database, that stores your objects while allowing you to work with any paradigms that can be expressed in Python.
More information at zodb.org

 Application Server

ZopeZope is a Python-based application server for building secure and highly scalable web applications.
More information at zope2.zope.org
BlueBream – formerly known as Zope 3 – is a web framework written in the Python programming language.
More information at bluebream.zope.org
GrokGrok is a web application framework for Python developers.
More information at grok.zope.org

Buildout is a Python-based build system for creating, assembling and deploying applications from multiple parts, some of which may be non-Python-based.
More information at Buildout.org

Zope based software's
Plone is a user friendly Content Management System running on top of Python, Zope and the CMF. It's a perfect fit in collaborative, enterprise environments but also for small sites.
More information at Plone.org
Pyramid is a small, fast, down-to-earth, open source Python web application development framework. It makes real-world web application development and deployment more fun, more predictable, and more productive.
More information at Pyramid
Silva is a powerful CMS for organizations that manage multiple or complex websites.
More information at Silva
ERP5 is a full featured Open Source ERP/CRM application framework, based on an unified Model to describe its implementation.
More information at ERP5.com

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