Zope Page Templates versus DTML

  •   Zope already has DTML, so you may wonder why we need another template language. 
  • First of all, DTML is not aimed at HTML designers. 
  • Once an HTML page has been "dynamicized" by inserting DTML into it, the resulting page typically becomes invalid HTML, making it difficult to work with outside Zope. 
  • Secondly, DTML suffers from a failure to separate presentation, logic, and content (data). 
  • This decreases the scalability of content management and website development efforts that use these systems. 
  • Finally, DTML's namespace model adds too much "magic" to object lookup, without allowing enough control.
  • DTML can do things that Page Templates can't, such as dynamically generate email messages (Page Templates can only generate HTML and XML), so DTML is not a "dead end". 
  •  However, it is probable that Page Templates will be used for almost all HTML/XML presentation by Zope Corporation and many members of the Zope community.

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