
  • Bower is a package manager for the web. 
  • It offers a generic, unopinionated solution to the problem of front-end package management, while exposing the package dependency model via an API that can be consumed by a more opinionated build stack. 
  • There are no system wide dependencies, no dependencies are shared between different apps, and the dependency tree is flat.


Install django-bower package:
pip install django-bower
Add django-bower to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings:
Add staticfinder to STATICFILES_FINDERS:
Specifie path to components root (you need to use absolute path):
If you need, you can manually set path to bower
BOWER_PATH = '/usr/bin/bower'
You can see example settings file in example project.


Specifie BOWER_INSTALLED_APPS in settings, like:
Download bower packages with management command:
./ bower install
Add scripts in template, like:
{% load static %}
<script type="text/javascript" src='{% static 'jquery/jquery.js' %}'></script>
In production you need to call bower install before collectstatic:
./ bower install
./ collectstatic
If you need to pass arguments to bower, like –allow-root, use:
./ bower install -- --allow-root
You can use bower freeze to receive BOWER_INSTALLED_APPS with fixed current versions:
./ bower freeze
You can call bower commands like info and update with:
./ bower info backbone
./ bower update

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