Django Development With Eclipse and PyDev

0 - Installing PyDev in Eclipse

Python Download Page:
Eclipse Download Link:
After installing Eclipse, you have to use Software Update feature to install PyDev.

Installing PyDev in Eclipse - Step 1

Installing PyDev in Eclipse - Step 2


Installing PyDev in Eclipse - Step 3

Installing PyDev in Eclipse - Step 4

1 - Create A Django Project

This shows you how to create a new Django project in Eclipse. If the Python interpreter hasn't been installed, it will also guide you how to attach your Python 2.7 to Eclipse.

Creating a django project - Step 1

Creating a django project - Step 2

Creating a django project - Step 3

Creating a django project - Step 4

Creating a django project - Step 5

Creating a django project - Step 6

Creating a django project - Step 7

Creating a django project - Step 8

Creating a django project - Step 9

Creating a django project - Step 10

Creating a django project - Step 11

Creating a django project - Step 12

Creating a django project - Step 13

Creating a django project - Step 14

Creating a django project - Step 15

Creating a django project - Step 16

Creating a django project - Step 17

Creating a django project - Step 18

2 - Customise Work Environment

Normally the font size is too small for me so I will show you how to change font size in Eclipse in case you are interested.

3 - Setting Up A Datebase Connection

This shows you how to use PhpMyAdmin to create a new database schema and a new MySQL account which can be used for our Django projects.

4 - Setting up A Django App and Sync

Django works on the concept of applications which actually store your business code and model. I will show you how to create one and how to sync it with database so that the corresponding database tables can be automatically created.

5 - Run Django Project

In this section, you will find how to run a Django project in Eclipse with the integrated server provided by Django. If you want to know how to run your projects with Apache or Xampp, please read How To Create A Django Project Using Eclipse And XAMPP


6 - Changing Python Path

One of the most desired feature of PyDev is auto completion. In order to make it work properly, you have to configure Eclipse to recognise the path to your project code. Otherwise, it will not show you all the options when you are typing your code.

7 - Creating Views

I will give you a very basic template view which will display all the articles in the database.

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