List of user-installed R packages and their versions

This R command lists all the packages installed by the user (ignoring packages that come with R such as base and foreign) and the package versions.
ip <-[,c(1,3:4)])
rownames(ip) <- NULL
ip <- ip[$Priority),1:2,drop=FALSE]
print(ip, row.names=FALSE)
Example output
       Package   Version
        bitops     1.0-6
 BradleyTerry2     1.0-6
          brew     1.0-6
         brglm     0.5-9
           car    2.0-25
         caret    6.0-47
          coin    1.0-24
    colorspace     1.2-6
        crayon     1.2.1
      devtools     1.8.0
     dichromat     2.0-0
        digest     0.6.8
         earth     4.4.0
      evaluate       0.7
Tested with R 3.2.0.

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