Explain indexing and slicing operation in sequences

  • Different types of sequences in python are strings, Unicode strings, lists, tuples, buffers, and xrange objects. 
  • Slicing & indexing operations are salient features of sequence. 
  • indexing operation allows to access a particular item in the sequence directly ( similar to the array/list indexing) and the slicing operation allows to retrieve a part of the sequence. 
  • The slicing operation is used by specifying the name of the sequence followed by an optional pair of numbers separated by a colon within square brackets say S[startno.:stopno]. 
  • The startno in the slicing operation indicates the position from where the slice starts and the stopno indicates where the slice will stop at. 
  • If the startno is ommited, Python will start at the beginning of the sequence. 
  • If the stopno is ommited, Python will stop at the end of the sequence..
Following code will further explain indexing & slicing operation:

>>> cosmeticList =[‘lipsstick’,’facepowder’,eyeliner’,’blusher’,kajal’]
>>> print “Slicing operation :”,cosmeticList[2:]
Slicing operation :[‘eyeliner’,’blusher’,kajal’]
>>>print “Indexing operation :”,cosmeticList[0]
“Indexing operation :lipsstick

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